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Basis of Ukrainian folk Petrykivka Painting
Tatiana Davydova

Basis of Ukrainian folk Petrykivka Painting

The course is intended for adults and children (12+ years old) who want to join the beauty and touch the origins of Ukrainian folk art.

Learning of the basis of Ukranian folk Petrykivka painting, the color spectrum that is inherent in this painting. Building a composition in painting, rhythm, rapport, basic elements, and much more. The course helps in thinking creatively and choosing the right primary colors in Petrykivka painting.

Total course hours: 32 hours

EXPECTED SKILLS: Basic skills of working with a brush and gouache.

Живопись: Натюрморт акварелью
Tatiana Davydova

Живопись: Натюрморт акварелью

Натюрморт — популярный художественный жанр вот уже много веков. На натюрмортах постигают основы живописи и графики ученики художественных школ, на натюрмортах продолжают оттачивать мастерство студенты художественных ВУЗов, к натюрмортам обращаются и состоявшиеся художники.

Вы научитесь:

- Узнать новые акварельные приемы и техники
- Научиться писать простые и сложные натюрморты
- Реалистично изображать фактуры: керамику, дерево, металл, цветы, фрукты.
- Передавать разное освещение и настроение в своих работах
- Грамотно компоновать предметы в разных форматах, вертикальных и горизонтальных
- Подбирать подходящую палитру, использовать контрасты и дополнительные цвета
- Показывать  объем и форму объектов

CS337 Projektimi i Softeve

CS337 Projektimi i Softeve

Ky kurs synon t'i njohë studentët me njohuritë fillestare në lidhje me inxhinierinë e softeve. Ai përshkruan hapat kryesore të ciklit jetësor, detaje mbi menaxhimin e projektit si dhe mbledhjen e kërkesave, modelimin e softeve, etj.

CS322 Multimedia

CS322 Multimedia

Ky kurs ka për qëllim t’u jap studentëve njohuri bazë mbi multimediat, krijimin, përpunimin dhe përdorimin e tyre në ndihmë të procesit mësimor. Gjithashtu studentët do të njihen me sistemet interaktive bashkëkohore që përdoren në ndihmë të mësimdhënies (programi Moodle). Kursi ka një orientim praktik, duke u mundësuar studentëve të njihen konkretisht me veglat dhe programet që përdoren në jetën e përditshme.

Linux Commands

Linux Commands

In this course you will learn about simple and complex Linux commands, combining them, building Bash scripts, etc. It will be hands-on, where the teacher will show first how to use different commands and the participants will try them themselves. Each participant is going to have an account on the training server. 

The Science of Well-Being
Tatiana Davydova

The Science of Well-Being

In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, the course reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life.

Индивидуальное психологическое консультирование
Tatiana Davydova

Индивидуальное психологическое консультирование

Направление: 44.03.02 «Психолого-педагогическое образование» (программа бакалавриата «Индивидуальное психологическое консультирование»)

Учебный план: «Психология образования» (очное, 2012)

Дисциплина: «Индивидуальное психологическое консультирование» (бакалавриат, 4 курс, очное обучение)

Количество часов: 144 ч. (в том числе: лекции - 16, практические занятия - 30, самостоятельная работа – 54, КСР - 8), форма контроля: экзамен

Аннотация: ЭОР «Индивидуальное психологическое консультирование» призван углубить на основе интеграции психологических и педагогических знаний студентов их профессиональные представления о психологическом консультировании как о специфическом виде психологической помощи.
Содержание представленных в ЭОР лекций призвано актуализировать их прошлые учебные достижения в области общей, возрастной, социальной психологии, поможет приобрести студентам специальные знания в области индивидуального психологического консультирования, сформировать понятия о специальных консультативных умениях и навыках.
В электронном образовательном ресурсе представлены лекции. Практические занятия проводятся со студентами в интерактивной форме в присутствии преподавателя и связаны с психологическим анализом и разбором консультативных случаев.

Темы: 1. Введение в психологическое консультирование. 2. Теоретические основы психологического консультирования. 3. Техники психологического консультирования. 4. Виды психологического консультирования.

Ключевые слова: генез психологической проблемы, принципы психологического консультирования, подходы к практике психологического консультирования, техники, психолог-консультант, эмпатия, толерантность, конгруэнтность.

Автор курса:Исмаилова Наиля Иркиновна, старший преподаватель кафедры психологии, email:

Дата начала эксплуатации: 1 февраля 2015 г.

Краткий конспект лекций

Рабочая программа курса

NLP Practitioner Training (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Andy Davydov

NLP Practitioner Training (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

NLP is a way of thinking characterized by curiosity, a desire to learn, and respect for other people. Practice involves observing how people behave, think and feel, and how they achieve results. NLP comes from three different disciplines, each of which is included and explored in this training course for NLP practitioners.

The NLP philosophy states that our perceptions, beliefs, emotions, behavior, attitudes and communication styles are linked to the results and consequences we receive every day. At the practical level of neurolinguistic programming, you will advance from learning basic concepts to using NLP in all aspects of your professional or personal life.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a branch of applied psychology that aims to increase the ability of people to make wise decisions and achieve their goals. NLP involves recognizing learned behaviors or thinking patterns and then looking for new creative ways to use or update them.

In the field of NLP, or neurolinguistic programming, research focuses on how we communicate with ourselves internally, which affects how we communicate with others outside. Specifically, it focuses on conscious and unconscious mental processes that affect how we interpret our daily lives, careers, and relationship experiences.

Those interested in teaching NLP practitioners usually want to make a positive impact on society, rather than spend years studying classical psychology. With our NLP Practitioner Program, you will learn a wide range of life principles that you can apply in your daily life to enhance productivity, improve relationships, and develop deep self-awareness.

English B2 Course
Martin JonesOlga Morozova

English B2 Course

This course is a B2 Upper Intermediate Level Course. It is recommended for students who have a very good level of English.

The course is divided into nine units:

  • Unit 1: Environment Matters
  • Unit 2: Past and Present
  • Unit 3: Who's got talent?
  • Unit 4: Travel and Adventure
  • Unit 5: Bookworms
  • Unit 6: Multicultural Matters
  • Unit 7: School Life & Courses
  • Unit 8: Connected
  • Unit 9: Shopping

This is a free view and only has ONE unit . The full course has 9 units with written assignments that are marked by your tutor.. At the end of the course, there is final B2 level assessment. All students receive a detailed language profile report with a recommendation for further courses.

By the end of the full course students:

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her school related subjects or work environment.
  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. 
  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

English B1 Course
Martin JonesOlga Morozova

English B1 Course

This course is a B1 Intermediate Level Course. It is recommended for students who have a good level of English.

This is a free view and only has ONE unit . The full course has 10 units with written assignments that are marked by your tutor.. At the end of the course, there is final B1 level assessment. All students receive a detailed language profile report with a recommendation for further courses.

By the end of the full course students: 

  • Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in school, leisure, etc.
  • Can deal with most situations likely to arise while at school in an area where the language is spoken. 
  • Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. 
  • Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Cambridge English First Revision Course
Artemida Versal

Cambridge English First Revision Course

ESL Eschool gives students the opportunity to try out courses. This course is our Cambridge English First (formally FCE) Revision Course.

The cost to enroll for the full course is $30. You will improve your general English writing and listening communication as well as exam techniques, vocabulary, grammar and skills relevant to the First.

What to expect:
  • Expand vocabulary areas suitable for general topics & for the specific exam 
  • Work on grammatical accuracy 
  • Practise past exam papers: reading, writing & listening 
  • Marked Written Task

Французский язык для начинающих
Tatiana Davydova

Французский язык для начинающих

Французский язык, уровень А

На этом этапе обучающийся должен научиться понимать и употребить в речи знакомые фразы и выражения, необходимые для выполнения конкретных задач. Может представиться/ представить других, задавать/ отвечать на вопросы о месте жительства, знакомых, имуществе. Может участвовать в несложном разговоре, если собеседник говорит медленно и отчетливо и готов оказать помощь.

Préparation À L'Examen du DELF Prim A1.1
Tatiana Davydova

Préparation À L'Examen du DELF Prim A1.1

Course spécialement conçu pour préparer les enfants de 8 à 12 ans à l'examen du DELF niveau A1.1, version primaire, par les conceptrices de l'examen officiel du Ministère de l'Education Nationale. 6 unités aux entrées thématiques Des activités nombreuses et variées construites sur le modèle de l'examen pour : - réviser les compétences linguistiques - développer les compétences communicatives - approfondir les stratégies de compréhension ou de production Des sujets d'examen pour s'évaluer

TWI Training Within Industry
Tatiana Davydova

TWI Training Within Industry

Training Within Industry (TWI) is a work experience program that teaches frontline managers effective techniques for managing people and processes. Initially developed during World War II, Training Within Industry has evolved beyond the factory floor. Today, TWI represents a critical building block for a sustainable Lean practice and aims to create a skilled workforce, boost productivity, and achieve standard work.

Moodle Features (German)

Moodle Features (German)

Was kann Moodle alles? Wie stelle ich Kursmaterialien zur Verfügung? Wie richte ich ein Diskussionsforum ein? Wie organisiere ich eine Laborgruppeneinteilung? Fragen über Fragen...

In diesem Moodle Demo-Kurs erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte rund um einen effektiven Einsatz von Moodle in der Lehre. Anhand von Texten, Bildern und kleinen Filmen lernen Sie die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten von Moodle kennen.

Auf der Spielwiese finden Sie zahlreiche Beispiele für die verschiedene Arten von Materialien und Aktivitäten, die Sie in Ihrem Moodle-Kurs einsetzen können. Testen Sie die Beispiele selbst aus, probieren Sie, lassen Sie sich inspirieren!

Der Kurs richtet sich in erster Linie an Dozenten, die eigene Moodle-Kurse gestalten wollen. Er richtet sich darüber hinaus jedoch an alle Interessierten, die die umfangreichen Möglichkeiten von Moodle kennen lernen möchten.